
SYKE Clothing Trademark Information

Trademark Usage Guidelines:

  1. SYKE logo and wordmark:

    • The SYKE logo and wordmark are registered trademarks of SYKE Clothing. They are protected by intellectual property laws. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
  2. Proper Trademark Attribution:

    • When referring to SYKE Clothing and its trademarks, proper attribution is required. The trademarks should be acknowledged with the registered symbol (®) and accompanied by the following statement: "SYKE and the SYKE logo are registered trademarks of SYKE Clothing."
  3. Restricted Use:

    • The use of SYKE trademarks in a manner that may cause confusion, mislead consumers, or dilute the distinctive quality of the trademarks is strictly prohibited.
  4. No Altered Trademarks:

    • Alteration or modification of the SYKE logo or wordmark is not permitted. The trademarks must be used in their original form without any changes to design or color.
  5. Unauthorized Merchandise:

    • The creation and sale of merchandise featuring the SYKE logo or wordmark without explicit authorization from SYKE Clothing is strictly prohibited.
  6. Digital and Print Media:

    • Proper trademark attribution is required in all digital and print media where SYKE trademarks are used. This includes websites, social media platforms, promotional materials, and any other forms of communication.

Infringement Notice:

SYKE Clothing reserves the right to take legal action against any party found to be infringing upon its trademarks. This includes, but is not limited to, pursuing damages, injunctive relief, and legal fees.

Contact Information:

For inquiries related to the use of SYKE trademarks or to seek authorization, please contact our legal department at

Updates to Trademark Guidelines:

SYKE Clothing reserves the right to update these trademark usage guidelines. It is the responsibility of users and third parties to stay informed about any changes. Any unauthorized use of SYKE trademarks will be subject to legal action.

Thank you for respecting SYKE Clothing's intellectual property rights.